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Another way, without tarot and spreads!

Posted: Wed 21 Jun, 2006 8:29 am
by Peter Singh
I have started using crystal balls, I have 2 with some decorations inside, and one clear one. many people use them for decorations.

Re: Another way, without tarot and spreads!

Posted: Wed 21 Jun, 2006 2:01 pm
by Aurora
Peter, I own 2 crystal balls, and a scrying mirror. I love the scrying mirror.


Re: Re: Another way, without tarot and spreads!

Posted: Sat 24 Jun, 2006 11:18 am
by Peter Singh
This is another thing that I have, that I did not know could work for divination, and use for decoration. I found out though on the net that u should use it for only one purpose. I'll give it ago.

Re: Re: Another way, without tarot and spreads!

Posted: Sat 24 Jun, 2006 4:40 pm
by Dominatrix
Aurora, I have certain curiosity about the scrying mirror. How it is, and how do you use it? Hugs.

Re: Re: Re: Another way, without tarot and spreads!

Posted: Sat 24 Jun, 2006 5:32 pm
by Dormouse
Me too. I saw scrying done on that British TV show Most Haunted, but I can't picture how one might use in conjunction with divination cards. So please do tell us, Aurora!

Re: Re: Re: Another way, without tarot and spreads!

Posted: Sun 25 Jun, 2006 7:31 am
by purple_scorp
Hi Peter,

Oh there are lots of things we can use for divination. Music for one. Have you ever tried playing a cd on random, and using it as an oracle to answer a question? It's amazing how many times a song will come on the radio that is so appropriate to what I am going through at the time. Or pick a book off a shelf at random, turn to any page, and point to a paragraph. It just seems to carry a very relevant message. You have to think laterally and don't listen to what people say you can and cannot use.

Some people believe that our lives are mapped out for us, and therefore that we hold the knowledge to answer every question. I remember the first time I paid for a tarot reading. It was from a psychic (who ended up becoming my healing mentor). She told me that she did not need cards to read people, but used them as a tool just in case she lost focus, she had something to fall back on. Maybe we should try intuitively reading without cards in one of our exchanges - see how we go.

I have a crystal ball (for scrying) and two glass balls (for decoration). I have seen objects in them from time to time, but not with enough regularity to have any purpose. However, I have another shiny thing that I always see objects in. It is a metallic (shiny) piece of purple wrapping paper and I have it hanging on my bedroom door. It wasn't expensive $2 and I hung it on the door because I was trying to add some colour to my room. It wasn't always on my door, as I have rearranged furniture in that room, I relocate the paper. Interestingly, no matter where I hang it, I can always see things. And, I'm not the only person that can see them either. I posted on Aeclectic about this paper (and included a photo) and a member emailed me to tell me that she could see an object not only in the paper, but also in the paper's reflection on the wall. I hadn't noticed it at the time that I posted it but after she pointed it out, I could also see what she saw - a woman, and a foetus. And there have been other times when my sister and her family have visited and we've all been crowded in my bedroom to see what images are there.

I don't consciously sit down in front of it to see if I can see anything, but, I usually gaze over at it, when I read in bed, just before going to sleep. Mostly I see people and animals. Sometimes I see symbols and letters. The paper is purple, but I can see many colours in it. Sometimes, black, sometimes white. And sometimes, the images change before my eyes. Like last night for instance. I saw a series of heads and they reminded me of the Past Lives card from the Osho Zen deck, so I immediately concluded that these were images of my past lives. I don't know if you are familiar with this card. It is from the Major Arcana and is The Moon in traditional Tarot Decks. In Osho's deck, it depicts something that looks like an hour glass which is filled with people from various races, gender and age. One of the faces I saw at the front was that of a small boy of about the age of 8. This fitted in with a past life recollection that I had during a supervised meditation. Then, the paper ruffled (as though someone was blowing wind underneath it), and the images were replaced with new ones.

So, in terms of using this for divination, well, I guess I could apply The Moon's interpretation to any question I may have posed (though I did not pose any question). There has been other times when I have seen other images that remind me of Tarot cards. At one point, I had a succession through the Cups suit - first with two lovers, then three people celebrating, then four people.

Interestingly, my partner appeared in my purple on four separate occasions before I even knew he existed. Luckily for me, I draw in my journal what I see (though I am not good at drawing, I am quite good at writing descriptive passages which help to clarify what I've seen). My partner first appeared in what I wrote as a coal-miner's hat (he is a gold-miner). I saw his image so clearly, I was able to describe minute detail including the closeness of his eyes and the cleat in his chin. The next time he appeared with a telescope (he has two) and then later with an angel on his shoulder (he often communicates with his angel). Of course I did not know the significance of his appearance at the time. It was only after we met when I was rereading my card readings to see if I'd been alerted to the fact he was coming into my life and whammo, there he was in pictorial form.

Now I draw and write everything down that I see. And, it's not just this paper that I can see things in.....really, any shiny surface.....tiles in the shower, windows, even sometimes I can see faces in patterned fabric or carpet etc. You just let your eyes go all relaxed and focus to the side of the object (like you do when you try to see those Magic Eye images). But with my purple paper, I don't even need to do that. Things just appear, kind of like when you see things in clouds.

Oh, sorry, I seemed to have digressed.

with love

Re: Re: Re: Re: Another way, without tarot and spreads!

Posted: Sun 06 Aug, 2006 6:46 pm
by AngelDancer
Wow, purple scorp, what an interesting post! I feel inspired to start scrying now... clarivoyance has never been my forte - I'm more of a clairsentient type, but the way you describe scrying makes it sound so natural...

I do look for signs in nature though (prepare for major digression). Once, after I'd seen a huge raven three times in three days (close to where I used to live in Stockholm, Sweden - NOT an area where you usually see ravens), I asked for a sign in nature that this was my power animal. Only minutes after asking, I saw a tall black feather sticking straight up out of the snow, like somebody had put it up as a decoration - except there were no tracks in the snow around it... I still get goosebumps.

Your story about your boyfriend gave me goosebumps too :o) Congrats on finding a b-friend who talks to his guardian angel!
